darren aronofsky continues his string of far-out films with
The Fountain starring hugh jackman and rachel weisz. it is hard to say if the weirdness masked the heartfelt notion that a one-woman man can save his dying wife. it is in human nature to feel powerless when a loved one is nearing death. some of us panic. some of us are scared and want nothing to do with the thought of a possible life beyond one here on earth. and some of us believe, myself included, that there is life beyond the grave - and eventually, we can be victors over death.
culturally, there is one thing i can relate with the film. the wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love. i can feel for jackman's character when he lost his ring.
hugh jackman really did an admirable job. i was impressed with his diligence in staying in character. all in all - the movie was too weird for me, with scenes changing from earth to a nebula star and a former life in old spain and new spain. i can't comprehend the craziness of what could be a simple love story between man and wife.
i give
The Fountain 2 out of 5 stars.
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